February 10, 2005

AAP says PIRG must be taking LSD . . .


As previously reported in the MobyLives digest, a recent Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) survey “accuses publishers of driving up students¹ costs by revising textbooks too often, bundling textbooks with expensive and unnecessary supplementary products and raising prices at rates well ahead of inflation.” Now, as Karen Holt reports in a Book Standard story, the Association of American Publishers has called for a meeting with PIRG on February 14 to discuss the allegations. Meanwhile, the charges “have sparked negative media coverage of eduacational publishers,” and the AAP has hotly refuted the charges, “even commissioning a Zogby poll to bolster its side,” reports Holt. AAP head Patricia Schroeder has issued a statement saying, “We understand that the increase in tuition and student fees, along with the cost of textbooks, is putting a great deal of pressure on students and parents. . . . Still, that doesn’t justify all of the misinformation and misunderstanding we’ve seen over the last few days.”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
