March 28, 2005

Anarchist Convention is a huge f@#!ing success . . .


This year’s tenth annual Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair—which took place Saturday in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park—was the most successful ever, “thanks to shared enemies like the Bush Administration and the Patriot Act,” reports Justin M. Norton in an Associated Press wire story. Reports Norton, “What originally was a few radicals getting together to talk politics has become the focus of an entire weekend of dissident cultural events, from punk rock concerts to soccer games.” He says the event has come to rival Montreal’s annual Festival of Anarchy in May as perhaps the largest such event in North America. Says one participant, “The Bush era has been good for anarchist consumerism.” In a story for The San Francisco Chronicle, Rona Marech says “the F-word was especially popular at the fair: ‘You don’t have to f— people over to survive’ and ‘F— all boy bands’ were among the slogans on the ubiquitous T—shirts, pins and patches. Hungry radicals — who arrived from all over the country — were salivating as they wandered among CDs and books, from Woody Guthrie‘s Struggle and Malcolm X‘s speeches to The Enemy Is Middle Class and No Gods No Masters.” Attendee Kent Kruger tells Marech that the event “really makes me feel good, because most of the time, I’m sitting out there and it’s darn scary. This is refreshing to me.”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
