January 19, 2009

Another memoir hoax in the making …


Condoleezza Rice

Condoleezza Rice: She talked the talk, she walked the walk, and now she's going to write the right.

Yet another member of the disgraced Bush administration wants a shot at redemption in the eyes of history: An Associated Press wire story by Hillel Italie reports that Secretary of State (for one more bloody day) Condoleezza Rice is setting up meetings with publishers to discuss not just one but three book projects (including, natch, “a memoir of her service in the Bush administration”). Italie says anonymous sources tell him the other books to be proposed “include a memoir about Rice’s family and a multimedia project about international affairs for preteens and adolescents.” Italie adds, “Although the 54-year-old Rice has been criticized for her loyalty to an unpopular president, publishers believe there is strong interest in her story — a minister’s daughter who rose from a segregated community in Birmingham, Ala., to become a trusted national security official for the first President Bush and a close ally of the second President Bush as national security adviser and secretary of state.” Lest that last credit make you wonder who in the world would want to work with her, that would be the William Morris Agency, reports Italie. As for who would publish her, we may find out when Rice comes to New York on January 28 and 29 to start her meetings.

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
