February 10, 2005

Attacker attacked for new attack . . .


The co-author of the best-selling book that derailed the Kerry campaign, Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, has a new book out that looks at the Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weaponry and finds that the Kerry campaign may have been involved. As a report on Media Matters for America notes, author Jerome R. Corsi “has previously suggested that Kerry’s position on Iran was motivated by bribery.” Meanwhile, the Media Matters report notes the book, Atomic Iran: How The Terrorist Regime Bought The Bomb And American Politicians, is getting promotion from the Sinclair Broadcast Group, such as in this commentary from Sinclair v.p. Mark Hyman in which he says the book is “painstakingly researched and documented” and that “Corsi asserts that [Iranian] regime supporters were active in the 2004 Presidential campaign, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars.” However, says the Media Matters report, “Hyman did not mention Corsi’s history of racist, homophobic, xenophobic, anti-Catholic and anti-Muslim comments” such as those reported on in this Associated Press wire story. As Media Matters notes, “Corsi later said that criticizing him for his online comments is ‘like saying Shakespeare is responsible for something one of his characters said.'”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
