February 5, 2010

Available at Booksellers Everywhere…


Except Amazon.

That’s the sell line in yesterday’s New York Times at the bottom of Henry Holt/Macmillan‘s full-page ad for The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande. At the time of this writing (Thursday 9 pm ET), Amazon had yet to restore buy buttons to Macmillan books, in a continuing battle between the retailer and the publisher. Amazon has not reacted to this unorthodox and very public jab, but then again, Amazon hasn’t said anything publicly since their online post last Friday. Macmillan, on the other hand, has used the media to their advantage, including using ads in newsletter Publishers Lunch to reach out to all authors, agents, etc. to disclose the actions that they are taking in negotiations and to update the industry and the public.

Photo Credit: Mediabistro/Galleycat

Photo Credit: Mediabistro/Galleycat
