March 8, 2009

Blago continues to bring best out of Illinois politicians


Just days after former Governor Rod Blagojevich signed a six-figure book deal (see the MobyLives report), the Illinois state legislature has introduced a bill that would require “any elected official who is convicted of a felony or of a misdemeanor involving a violation of his or her official oath of office to forfeit any monetary rights derived from any media depiction or detailing of the crime for which the person was convicted as a term of their sentence.” But, as Lynn Andriani reports in Publishers Weekly, the bill “alarmed” some free speech advocates and “oppostion from First Amendment groups, led by the Motion Picture Association of America, is growing.” David Horowitz of Media Coalition noted the bill was moving fast through the legislature and “would potentially inhibit books, movies, magazines and all manner of media in trying to tell a story that has real news or public interest value.”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
