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The Burning Time

Based on a true story of the first witchcraft trial in Ireland, The Burning Time is the riveting tale of one extraordinary noblewoman, Lady Alyce Kyteler and her fight for a country’s soul.

When the Catholic Church brings the Inquisition to Ireland, Lady Alyce Kyteler refuses to grant them power over her lands or her people, and refuses to stop the practice of The Old Religion.

Declared a dangerous heretic by the Pope’s emissary, Lady Alyce determines to fight back. Against the penalty of being burned at the stake, she risks all to protect her people, her faith, and her beloved Ireland.

The Burning Time is a vivid account of an astonishing but little-known historic figure and a gripping tale of bravery, treachery, guile, and redemption.


An award-winning poet, novelist, journalist and editor, ROBIN MORGAN has published over 20 books, including the now-classic anthology Sisterhood is Powerful. One of the founders of contemporary U.S. feminism, she has been a leader in the international Women’s Movement for over 30 years.

“ … beautifully written, passionate, always interesting.” — Grace Paley

“The Burning Time may be about the Inquisition … but it’s also 
frighteningly relevant today. And it would make a hell of a movie.” — Jane Fonda

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