April 21, 2005

BREAKING NEWS (9:50 a.m. ET): IT'S ALIVE! . . .


The proprietor of Foetry.com has written in to MobyLives to “correct” the New York Times story (below) with the news that he has reactivated the Foetry.com website. “Foetry.com lives again,” Alan Cordle tells MobyLives. “I decided I couldn’t let lying, cheating foets have the last word.” A notice on Foetry’s homepage explains more about why he came back: “It’s the biased and poorly researched article in the New York Times declaring a surrender. Reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West flying through the sky, ‘Surrender Foetry.’ You can thank Foets, Janet Holmes and Jorie Graham, who have threatened me with legal action and said that I lied.”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
