February 10, 2005

Cherie Blair in the goldfish bowl . . .


The Australasian book tour of Cherie Blair, “the prime minister’s wife, as she is billed in publicity,” got off to a rocky start when, speaking in Auckland, she “left the impression — twice — that she thought she was in Australia.” As a Guardian repo rt by Bernard O’Riordan and Michael White, “Even allowing for 11,000 miles worth of jetlag, that is a serious gaffe to commit among proud Kiwis,” who had paid £100 ($187 USD) per person to see her. Meanwhile, she is being hounded by newspapers back home in England and in Australia by criticism of the reported £102,600 ($191,000) fee she’s getting for five fund-raising talks for cancer charities. Newspapers in London have dubbed her tour for her book, The Goldfish Bowl, the “Queen of Sheba” tour, while in Australia the director of one of the charities suggested she should be “held accountable” and donate her fees to the charity.

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
