July 27, 2011

Cooking with Hitchcock


Alfred Hitchcock was a giant of twentieth-century film and one of the foremost innovators in the suspense and thriller genres. Indeed, many of the ingredients for those genres are traceable to him.

Since he was a man who excelled in finding just the right mix of ingredients in these genres, he could probably appreciate the following short film (via Casual Optimist) by Felix Meyer, Pascal Monaco, and Torsten Strer that takes the culinary metaphor to it’s literal and logical conclusion. That is, they designed a cookbook inspired by Hitchcock called, simply, Hitch.

Students at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hannover, Germany, Meyer, Monaco, and Strer created Hitch as their graduation project. It’s quite a playful take on the concept of the cookbook. And given Hitchcock’s reputation as a foodie, one suspects he would’ve gotten a kick out of it.

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/26156757]
