June 30, 2005

Crispin despoils Eggers' fragile ecosystem . . .


In her column for The Book Standard, Jessa Crispin comments on Dave Eggers‘ recent criticism of Neal Pollack and Eggers’ statement in that criticism that everyone can write a book and “Anyone pissing in the very small and fragile ecosystem that is the literary world is mucking it up for everyone — and sending a very poor message to the next generation.” Crispin observes, “Just about everyone in the ‘literary world’ remembers the firestorm that followed The Believer‘s manifesto, declaring that when you give a writer a bad review, you hurt people’s feelings. Eggers just upped the ante, now declaring that if you give someone a bad review, you are HURTING THE CHILDREN.” What’s more, she says, “Building a wall around writers and saying that all of them are equal is just delusional. Not everyone should write a book. And not everyone who does write a book is deserving of praise, as if the literary community is one big Special Olympics. That’s not interesting, and it’s not how you foster growth.”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
