January 14, 2011

"Did you read…?"


You’ve overheard the question in exactly this context and you know it grated your nerves, too–even if (like it or not) you fit into this group: Hipsters getting into intellectual sparing matches over who has the coolest, most varied reading diet. The conversation will usually start with the mainstream (i.e. Did you read that article in the…New Yorker, New York Times, Washington Post), then pass through a list of hipster essentials (…McSweeney’s, N+1, Vice), on down to the most obscure reading used for the I’m-smarter-than-anyone-you-know effect (I was reading the transcripts from the debate over HR_ _ _ _ and nowhere in that legislation does it say anything about…).

In a pitch-perfect takedown of this phenomenon from a promotional video for Portlandia, the forthcoming hipster satire TV show from IFC, Fred Armisen (Saturday Night Live) and Carrie Brownstein (of the now-defunct but legendary Portland, OR band Sleater-Kinney) get into an epic intellectual hipster sparring match that devolves into a hilarious battle of one-upmanship reduced to its most primal expression. Enjoy.
