January 1, 1970

The Business of Publishing Your Novel with an Independent Press: Author and Publisher Perspectives with Dennis Johnson

The Business of Publishing Your Novel with an Independent Press: Author and Publisher Perspectives
With Dennis Johnson, Joe Meno, Adam Levin, Christopher Boucher, Leigh Stein

Melville House publisher and co-founder Dennis Johnson leads a practical discussion of the publishing process with four authors in various stages of their literary careers: Joe Meno has 7 books since 1999, Adam Levin’s first novel was a 2010 critical hit, and Christopher Boucher and Leigh Stein have debut novels appearing in 2011 and 2012. Topics include: acquisitions, editing, big-house vs. indies, publicity, marketing, tours, social-networking, and the changing role of the author.

For more information please visit the AWP website.
