October 28, 2011

SLIDESHOW: When words fail politicians


Melville House isn’t known for pulling its punches, especially where politicians are concerned, but even we’ve never gone this far: A brawl broke out in Italy’s parliament yesterday over proposed pension reforms, and the session had to be suspended while the naughty politicians thought about what they’d done and said sorry like they meant it. (Unfortunately Silvio Berlusconi doesn’t appear to have been anywhere near any flailing limbs.) In, erm, celebration? the Guardian has put together this gem of a slideshow. It’s hard to know whether to be appalled that the leaders of nations can’t find any better way to express themselves, or delighted that they show such passion. Or just to, well, piss yourself laughing. Note the bottle of water in number 5.

And, just because this will never get old:

Right in the kisser:


Ellie Robins is an editor at Melville House. Previously, she was managing editor of Hesperus Press.
