November 14, 2011

Fourth blogger killed by Mexican cartel, #OpCartel spokesman on the run


"More ideas, fewer bullets." - A Mexican member of Anonymous

The Houston Chronicle reported last week that the Mexican drug cartel Zetas killed and beheaded a blogger in Nuevo Laredo, a city “all but” controlled by the violent gang. The blogger “posted news of shootouts and other activities of the Zetas” on the blog El Vivo. He was found with a note ”This happened to me for not understanding that I shouldn’t report on the social networks.”

Techland reports that this is the fourth reported murder of a blogger since September by The Zetas, and may have led, according to Discovery, to the flight of Anonymous member Barrett Brown from his Dallas home. Brown has been a vocal proponent of using technical means to combat the violent gang, and has founded the Anonymous splinter group #OpCartel to release information detrimental to The Zetas. He recently Tweeted “I’ve got ex-military people releasing info on me and family. Have to leave Texas.” Over the weekend he Tweeted thanks for financial assistance helping him travel to New York City. He continued his call for recruits for the #OpCartel on Sunday:

Those applying for #OpCartel team, please describe your skills, relevant background, etc. [email protected].

