August 2, 2010

Go with the floe ….


The other amazing book we’re doing this summer is T Cooper‘s The Beaufort Diaries, about a polar bear fleeing the melting arctic for Los Angeles, where he befriends Leonardo DiCaprio. You think I’m making this up? The word has been amazing: The “surrealistic satire,” as noted by the Los Angeles Times, is “singular and breathtaking,” says noted by the Austin Chronicle, which also called the book “original, humane, and deeply funny.” And — wait. You didn’t see the video? The one with David Duchovny doing the voice-over? Check it out, below. It tells you all you need to know, except that the book is even better than the video.

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
