March 9, 2011

Hitchens crashes 60 Minutes


On 60 Minutes Sunday night Christopher Hitchens spoke with Steve Kroft about his life as a writer, intellectual, and as someone who is living with stage 4 esophageal cancer.

Notable quotes from the interview:

“I’m a member of the cancer elite–I rather look down on people with lesser cancers.”

“Any exercise of hedonism on my part was actually a rebellion against conservatism.”

“’68 was a good year if you could just get up on a truck or an upturned barrow and make a speech, through a megafone or without.”

“I hate it when people ask what my expiry date is on my credit card.”

“I ought never to say there’s nothing that will change my mind, so, shall I just say that no evidence has yet been presented that would change my mind…but I like surprises!” (with respect to his views on the almighty)

