February 22, 2010

Hundreds line up outside library, for books!


Customers waiting in tail-gate comfort for the library sale to begin.

Customers waiting in tail-gate comfort for the library sale to begin.

According to this report on WMAZ TV of Macon, Georgia, people were lining up outside Central Park City Library for their annual book sale, “Hundreds of booklovers lined up in the cold this morning to be among the first through the door at the Friends of the Library’s Old Book Sale.”

“The doors opened at 10 a.m., but based on the line outside, this is no ordinary sale. ‘Oh, we got chairs, some milk crates, and bags. We got everything,’ said Brice Edwards, standing near the head of the line,” WMAZ went on to report. “He says he had everything needed to stay comfy for hours in the cold. Edwards says he and some friends showed up at 7:30 a.m., for a tailgating party for book lovers.”

People started lining up at 6am, bundled against the cold, with snacks, lawn chairs, book bags and even shopping carts to carry home their loot.

Jim Beach, who works with Friends of the Library, told WMAZ, “They have almost 200-thousand books in their Old Book Sale and a list of almost a hundred collectible and rare books. ‘We work all year long. Sorting and pricing and boxing, getting ready for this sale. This is our big event.”

Five-year book-sale veteran Greg Steranko told WMAZ he’s looking for “the missing piece.” “There’s a book in there that I don’t even know the title of,” says Steranko, who is from Pennsylvania and is visiting family. “I’m going to put out my hand, and the force is going to bring the book to my hand. And I’m going to open it up, and it’s going to give me wisdom.”

Now that’s worth waiting on line for.

Valerie Merians is the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
