July 6, 2005

Just one more thing about that MFA argument . . .


“I’ve been following the MFA Melee/Fight/Argument over at MobyLives,” writes Robert Gray in a new commentary on Fresh Eyes. It’s prompted him to a “minor rant” about when “I dipped my toe into the MFA stream at Bennington College,” one of the better-known low-residency programs. “I ‘chose’ a low-res program because I could not stop working (the folks sending me bills every month would have objected strenuously) and because I thought such a program would place more emphasis upon writing than workshopping, since we only gathered together for ten days each semester,” he writes. He describes the experience and the impact it’s had on his life in general, and says that while he hasn’t precisely found fame as a writer, “I wouldn’t trade that for anything. Period.”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
