May 30, 2005

Love & politics . . .


Yet another political campaign is what saved the marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton, says a new book. An Agence France Presse wire story says the book, Survivor by John Harris, claims it all came down to a key meeting during Hillary’s 2000 Senate bid when, in front of aides at a strategy session, the former president asked her, “Women want to know why you stayed with me.” Writes Harris, “‘Yes, I’ve been wondering that myself,’ she replied, sparking a reply from her husband which emerged as a theme of her campaign. ‘Because you’re a sticker! That’s what people need to know — you are a sticker. You stick at the things you care about,’ Clinton said.” Afterwards, writes Harris, “people who worked and socialized with the Clintons, that their love was geniune, and overcame rough patches because it was rooted in a mutual obsession — politics.”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
