June 6, 2005

New Dumas . . .


A previously unknown, 1,000-page novel by Three Musketeers author Alexandre Dumas has been published in France, reports an Agence France Presse wire story. The novel, Le Chevalier de Sainte-Hermine, was published as a serial in a French newspaper but was left incomplete when Dumas died in 1870. The AFP says, “Claude Schopp, the Dumas expert who found the book at France’s National Library, has added a short section to bring the tale to its conclusion.” In a Guardian report about the book, Schopp tells the papers Sophie Nicholson, “It’s like a testament. He knew he was ill and that he was going to die,” Mr Schopp said. “The text is beautiful because we can feel that he was struggling with the mass of historical material he was working with.”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
