April 6, 2011

New York Public Library to host a scavenger hunt!


Can you find this? Charles Dickens's letter opener made from his dead cat's paw.

Via Galleycat, yesterday we learned that the New York Public Library is doing something incredibly awesome later next month: An all-night scavenger hunt.

Yes, it’s true. Calling it “Find The Future: The Game,” the library is opening up its collection to a select few who will qualify for a night of ultimate geeking out. The hunt will take place in the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building and include missions requiring participants to hunt down 100 different works from the collection.

There’s also a writing component. Here’s the description from the NYPL’s website:

During the May 20 “Write All Night” event, from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m., 500 prequalified players (18 and older) will explore the building’s 70 miles of stacks, and, using laptops and smartphones, follow clues to such treasures as the Library’s copy of the Declaration of Independence in Thomas Jefferson‘s hand. After finding each object, players will write short, personal essays inspired by their quest—for example, how would they write the Declaration? Winning the game means writing a collaborative book based on these personal stories about the future, and this volume will be added to the Library’s collections.

This is just the beginning. The rest of the library system in New York is getting in on the action, expanding the game to include 90 other branches.

Foursquare, you just got a run for your money. Anyway, check out the trailer the NYPL made for the event.
