November 1, 2004

No time for fluff at the moment, says Seymour Hersh . . .


During our previous quagmire in Vietnam, he broke the story of the My Lai massacre. In our current quagmire, he broke the horrific story of Abu Ghraib. In an interview with, Seymour Hersh shows that he doesn’t brook unaggressive journalists, either. “Oh, c’mon. You can ask a better question than that,” he scolds reporter Lakshmi Chaudry at one point. At another: “Ask me something that I can answer so it isn’t self-serving—that doesn’t have me brushing snow from my mantle.” At still another: “Did you ever take a stewardess’ course?” Finally, he tells her: “I think you may be over-intellectualizing. . . . Look, America is a very racist country and war brings out the worst in it.”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
