February 9, 2011

One more blog post about the Malcolm Gladwell Book Generator


Okay, I’ll bite. Because it’s Wednesday morning and we all need something to laugh about. Hell, I’m sure even Malcolm Gladwell can’t get enough of the Malcolm Gladwell Book Generator.

Anyway, if you haven’t heard about it yet, a comedian named Cory Bortnicker came up with the brilliant idea to spoof one of the most recognizable brands in books by creating a website with a title and cover generator. When you go to the website, just click on “generate new best seller” and a new title, subtitle, and cover will be generated. Here are a few of my favorites.

This one strikes me as an excellent commentary on both Gladwell and the people trying to co opt this sort of design:


And a fun sendup of something we in the book business take for granted as essential:

You get the idea. Go have your own fun with it now. Happy Wednesday.
