November 3, 2010

Reading is going to the dogs


According to the TribLocal (Des Plaines, IL) the good citizens of Des Plaines are inviting dogs into the library to be read to.

No, they are not worried about rising illiteracy rates among dogs. These are certified therapy dogs. And it’s all part of a program to help children who have difficulty reading. The TribLocal explains:

Children in 1st-5th grade are invited to bring a favorite book from home or choose a library book and read to a book-loving dog at the Des Plaines Public Library on Tuesdays…

The Library partners with Rainbow Animal Assisted Therapy Inc., which provides trained, certified therapy dogs.

This is a nationwide program designed to help struggling new readers practice their reading “with a furry non-judgmental careful listener who never corrects children when a mistake or stumble is made.” According to the TribLocal:

This helps turn around negative associations with reading into a positive reading experience. This stress free environment helps children who otherwise might feel anxious and find reading challenging, learn to relax and enjoy a special relationship with reading and animals.Over the course of four weeks, children build their confidence in reading aloud, read often, and develop a love of reading. This program also provides a chance to develop confidence, good interaction skills and respect with animals.

Not to be a spoilsport–it sounds like a fun idea–but who will correct the children’s pronunciation?

Valerie Merians is the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
