October 14, 2004

Rebuttal by Texans for Truth getting coverage not from the mainstream, but from FOX and bloggers . . .


After the initial blitz of ads, the author of Regan BooksUnfit Commander: Texans for Truth Take on George W. Bush, the book reporting how President Bush skipped out on his National Guard duties during the Vietnam War, has hit the airwaves. Glenn W. Smith started with—of all places—FOX TV. But mainstream media sources have dropped the story much more quickly than the story of the book Smith’s book responds to, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth‘s Unfit for Command. One blogger is keeping watch, however. As noted in a report at News Hounds (“We watch FOX so you don’t have to”), Smith appeared on FOX news with commentator Alan Colmes, and “pro-Bush author, Byron York, White House correspondent for National Review.” As News Hounds reports, “For some reason, Mr. Smith did not have much of an opportunity to discuss his findings.”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
