July 28, 2005

Resistance is futile . . .


“The New York Times, known for its best-seller list and crossword puzzles in addition to the news it prints, has now lent its name to a bookstore. And the first New York Times bookstore won’t be in New York, Los Angeles or even Chicago. It will be here at Lexington’s Blue Grass Airport,” notes Jennifer Hewlett in a Lexington Herald-Leader report. The 1,738 square foot store will sell books from the New York Times Bestseller List, and will also have “a children’s section; an online station allowing people to log onto The New York Times Web site; a plasma screen television running programming from the Discovery Times Channel, book-related videos, and news and documentaries produced by The New York Times; and New York Times souvenirs and gifts. Of course, the newspaper itself will be for sale there.” Says an excited Blue Grass Airport official, “Within a year or two they’ll be peppered across the country.”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
