November 10, 2008

Saracuda and the sharks: Little teeny-tiny brains that can kill you


Well, you may have thought Sarah Palin ran a revealing campaign for herself, and that as a result the American public — with its scorn and ridicule and, er, tens of millions of votes against her — told her to go away in no uncertain terms. But lest your Obama euphoria makes you forget this is a country where prominent right wing schmucks sometimes stick around whether they’re voted into office or not, it turns out there are still people who want to force Palin down our throats anyway. Sad sacks in the Republican Party‘s ultra-right debased base? Perhaps, but in New York they’re called something else: According to a New York Post Page Six report, Palin “won the hearts” of literary agents from CAA, ICM, William Morris,and Paradigm, “who are scrambling to sign her to multimillion-dollar contracts.” One “high-ranking publishing source” tells the paper that “the betting is she’ll sign a deal by the end of the month,” and a substantial deal it will be: “Everybody will compare what she gets to the book deal Tina Fey reportedly made — $6 million.” Thankfully, not every agent is thinking money only and country be damned: Linda Mann of Mann Media — a top booking agency — seems to share the public’s disdain. She says Palin only “has car-wreck appeal. You’re compelled to watch, hoping she’ll say the dumbest things possible. I’d propose a show combining her love of fashion and lack of brainpower — ‘Project Dumbway.’ “

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
