November 22, 2010

The difference between Shakespeare and Sarah Palin


I hate mentioning Sarah Palin. Lord knows she gets enough press for someone who ought not to be getting any. In fact, let’s briefly consider her career trajectory and see if it makes sense why we continue to devote resources in the service of covering her inanity:

Does that sound like the resume of someone the country is supposed to be taking seriously?

Over the past two years she has absolved herself of real responsibility bit by bit. Governor? Too hard, not enough money–I can quit and make more money on book deals and TV. Mom? Oh, the kids are fine–I can spend all my time yakking on Fox News, “writing” books, and traveling around giving speeches (besides, they’re busy with their own stuff). The list of things for which we ought to be paying attention to her if we’re to seriously consider her as a leader shrinks by the day. And yet, every vacuous, grammatically challenged utterance, every sub-literate tweet, every Facebook rant she posts gets covered as “news.”

And now the New Oxford English Dictionary has rewarded her with Word of the Year for flubbing the word repudiate in a tweet. Thank you, Seth Myers, for the excellent takedown of this nonsense.

Now if only we could learn how to ignore her–she might actually go away.
