
Print? Dead?

This weekend, November 4-7, New York City hosts two significant celebrations of printed book culture: The fifth annual NY Art Book Fair, presented by Printed Matter at MoMA PS1, andRead more »

Teleportal readings

Literary readings are fleeting things. Ten, fifteen, twenty people gather, they hear someone read too-fast or too-softly from a book, and then everyone disperses. In New York there are too2 / Read more »

Gone fishin’

MobyLives is now observing the book industry holiday known as August. We will be back in September with a whole new set of awesome super powers. Really. We’re not just2 / Read more »

Someone revealed

So you’re on the bus reading Tao Lin’s Shoplifting from American Apparel and you realize you’re reading a scene about a fictionalized event you were at. Then you read theRead more »
