February 18, 2010

Republicans protest depiction of Tea Party in comics, comics say Republicans have way too much time on their hands


New comic challenges for the right.

After the Marvel Comics flap, reported here by CBS News, about a panel in a Captain America comic which depicted a protest crowd carrying signs, one of which read: “Tea Bag the Libs Before They Tea Bag YOU!”, The Tea Party protested, Marvel caved with an apology, and the way-right goose-steps on.

Now, according to a report in Newsarama.com, the Tea Party’s sense of humor? irony? self-awareness? will be challenged again by the subversive world of comics: “Independent comic book publisher BOOM! Studios has announced Repuglicans!, a project apparently aimed squarely at riling the political right. Repuglicans! is an upcoming 128-page, digest-sized book by artist Pete Von Sholly with ‘wry commentary’ by writer Steve Tatham. “

According to Newsarama, “The publisher calls it a ‘completely unfair and not balanced take on Republican Party leaders and apparatchiks,’ in an obvious satire of the Fox News slogan. The cover art depicts Wacky Packages-esque “creatures of the right” parody versions of major conservative figures, including former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin as a vampire and Fox News anchor Glenn Beck as a zombie. But artist Von Sholly does not mince words when he describes the book as showing “…the true face of the right, and it’s not pretty.”

Let’s see how this one goes over….

Valerie Merians is the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
