October 13, 2004

Texans for Truth launch Bush attack book in a big way, but will it get the same kind of coverage as the book it responds to? Early reports: No . . .


Turnabout is fair play in the publishing business: As was reported yesterday in Paul D. Colford‘s New York Daily News column, as well as in numerous full page ads in various newspapers, ReganBooks, which has published big sellers by conservatives such as Gen. Tommy Franks and Fox News pundit Sean Hannity, “will now aim one at President Bush” in a new book called Unfit Commander. The book, whose cover photograph and title parody one of the biggest hits of the political season, the book of largely disproven charges against John Kerry by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth called Unfit for Command, is written by Texans for Truth founder Glenn Smith. Colford’s brief report focusses on the book’s charges, saying it “will raise questions about Bush’s stint in the Texas Air National Guard and present some 300 pages of his service record released by the Pentagon.” A day after a full page ad for the book appeared in the front section of the New York Times, the paper’s Edward Wyatt picks up the story today, but says little on the book’s charges. He focusses mainly on the publisher’s publishing books on both sides of the political spectrum.

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
