March 23, 2011

The insufferable Assange


We have  written previously about our (and, apparently, the world’s) endless appetite for stories of Julian Assange‘s abysmal social manners. One of our favorite quotes from Daniel Domscheit-Berg‘s Inside WikiLeaks claims that…

…Julian often behaved as though he had been raised by wolves rather than by other human beings. Whenever I cooked, the food would not, for instance, end up being shared equally between us. What mattered was who was quicker off the mark. If there were four slices of Spam, he would eat three and leave one for me if I was too slow.

So it was a particular pleasure to witness David Rees (creator of Get Your War On and a forthcoming Melville House guide to artisanal pencil sharpening) play Assange in a reenactment of a “true story” about the Wikileaks founder’s uncouth behavior as a houseguest (based on the real experiences of friends of Colbert Report writer Allison Silverman):
