February 16, 2005

Unfortunately, she doesn't answer the one about the robot writing her books for her . . .


The “remote book-signing device” she has been touting in lieu of bookstore appearances is not a hoax, says Margaret Atwood. In a letter to The Globe & Mail, says “my newly created company” has actually made and been testing the device, called the Unotchit, and she answers what she feels are the obvious questions, such as, well, “Is it all a hoax?” “No. It’s real. Trust me. You need to have more faith.” In another exchange with herself, Atwood asks, “How can you have a meaningful exchange with a robot that does signatures?” Answers, er, Atwood, “The Unotchit — which stands for You No Touch It — device has interactive image and voice, as well as the ability to sign. The author will be there, in real time. So the exchange is with the author, not the signing device. The device merely places the signature and message on the book page.”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
