July 7, 2005

What, hell was full? . . .


Literary agent Martha Ivery — also know as Kelly O’Donnell — has been booked and “charged with mail fraud, bankruptcy fraud and fraud in connection with an access device, all felonies,” according to an Albany Times-Union report by Alan Wechsler. “The 56-year-old woman faces up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine if convicted.” Wechsler says O’Donnell would advertise her literary agency in Writer’s Digest and on the Internet, then tell customers that a fake publishing company owned by her alter ego Ivery would publish the book — apparently, for a fee. And, says Wechsler, “the requests for fees would keep coming: for publishing, editing, illustrations and extra copies, the indictment claims.” Says one of her clients, “I was so gullible I couldn’t believe it.” he said. He says in hindsight “there were things that should have made him suspicious,” including the fact that “e-mails from Ivery were riddled with misspellings and bad grammar.” Also, when he “asked Ivery to fix some typos in his manuscript, she told him it wasn’t worth bothering about, since it wouldn’t help sales.”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
