February 25, 2011

William Burroughs, star to the rock stars


Yony Leyser‘s new documentary on William Burroughs aired on PBS this Tuesday. Carolyn Kellogg has more about the unlikely project. One striking thing about the trailer (below) is the sheer number of musicians pictured with or speaking about Burroughs. It’s not writers or poets who fell in love with Burroughs fractured, schizophrenic, dangerous cut-ups, it’s Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Kurt Cobain, and Patti Smith.

A trip down Google lane reveals the cantankerous, junky, gun-nut, paranoid visionary with a who’s-who of rock legends:

Burroughs and Jimmy Page

Burroughs and Madonna

Burroughs and Tom Waits

Burroughs and Mick Jagger

Burroughs and Joe Strummer

Burroughs and Debbie Harry

Burroughs and Kurt Cobain

Last and probably least, footage of Burroughs with U2 making a music video.
