June 15, 2010

Cardboard Bookshop


Well at least the publishing industry isn’t the only one celebrating the art of the book!

At the London Festival of Architecture this year, a “foldaway” (British for “pop-up”) bookstore sponsored by RIBA will be present to celebrate the art of the printed form.  Of course, all of the books will be architecture-related–the newest and splashiest alongside the traditional and classics–but still, a celebration of the non-digital all the same.

Book recommendations from leading architects, designers, engineers and more will be on display, along with a collection of rare architecture books.  So if you are one of the few Londoners not finding yourself in your favorite pub rooting on your favorite Cup team (*cough* Netherlands *cough*), make your way down to The Hub to check out this year’s festival — and the latest and greatest in architecture lit.

Oh and of course the entire thing will be made of cardboard and completely recyclable at the end of the show.  Hear that book industry?  Maybe we’ll find some inspiration for next year’s BEA…
