December 15, 2008

For once, the movie will be more accurate than the book


“It has the makings of an author’s worst nightmare — writing a critically acclaimed memoir about one’s mother only to learn after it’s published that the account of the pivotal episode on which the story turns had a critical omission.” So begins an AP wire story by Jerry Harkavy about the situation Don J. Snyder found himself in after he published his memoir about his mother’s tragic death soon after his birth. After the book came out, Snyder got a call from his mother’s doctor. He said, “I read your book. You got it wrong.” Haunted by his error, Snyder wants to set the record straigtht, but his publisher, Knopf, isn’t interested in re-issuing his book, which is still in print and apparently still selling. So, he’s spent the last five years working on a screenplay (he’s written successful screenplays before) and, says Harkavy, ” Snyder, a father of four, plans to take a draft of his screenplay to Hollywood this month, leaving his family at home in Maine.”

Dennis Johnson is the founder of MobyLives, and the co-founder and co-publisher of Melville House.
