September 28, 2010

The best in advertising


Everyone knows MobyLives is a fan of the book trailer. In our capacity as host of the Moby Awards we’ve seen quite a lot of them. They can be hilarious, terrible, bizarre and just plain…well, plain. And sometimes they even tell you something about a book. But today while doing “research” on the internet for another “story,” we came across something new and exciting. Not a book trailer, but an ad, and an ad for a bookstore no less. This is a great bookstore in Los Angeles that goes by the name of Skylight Books. It’s the kind of simple thing that, in the span of 30 seconds, shows exactly why bookstores are vital places that are integral to a vibrant community. And as a bonus it makes you bop your head. Here’s hoping other bookstores are taking note. (Chances are, if your ad is good enough, it’ll end up on the internet and you won’t even have to pay for people to see it.)
