July 2, 2010

Thing I wish I thought up first


How many books do you have in your house?  Hundreds?  Thousands?  Do you trip over them when getting up to go the bathroom in the middle of the night?  Have you run out of room for bookcases and started stacking them on the floor of your hallway?  Have you begun building furniture out of them? (Suggestion: stacked on top of one another, they make for great table legs).

We all have book storage problems.  But what to do?  The answer isn’t to get a Kindle to reduce clutter, no no.  The answer is to build taller bookcases!  But then what do the little people do?  Being only 5′ 3 and 3/4″, I already have trouble reaching the top shelf.  Luckily, Erik Spiekermann and his wife, Susanna Dulkinys, have found a solution (they also hate clutter):

YES that is a REMOTE-CONTROLLED MOUNTAINEER’S HARNESS that Ms. Dulkinys is using to peruse her bookshelves (which are two stories tall).  I WANT.  Not that I even have a second story, or if I did that it would have 24 foot tall ceilings, but a girl can dream…
